Quick Start(Starting from agent)

Configure Pushgw.Writers

Configure Pushgw.Writers in config.toml. The default configuration is as follows:

# Url = ""
Url = ""

Make sure that the Url is prometheus remote write api address.

Install agent

We recommand you to use Categraf as agent collector. Categraf can receive monitoring data as well as heartbeat requests.

Then start Categraf and you’re done.

Check Host List

Menu location: Infrastructure -> Host. You’ll see the host list under All hosts.

Check Host Metrics

Menu location: Metrics -> Explorer. You can use cpu_usage_active as promql query to check host metrics.

Import dashboards

Menu location: Dashboard -> Built-in. You can clone Linux Host by Categraf under Linux Category to Default busi group then view the data through the dashboard.

Import alerting rules

Menu location: Monitors -> Built-in. You can clone all the rules under Linux Category to Default busi group then alarm will be triggered if any rule is violated.

Screenshot of the Active alarms page: